Professional Photographers are welcome to join us at the farm with their clients.
We have a few rules and requirements in place to make your experience the best it can be while still allowing our other customers to have fun on the farm. Please familiarize yourself with these before coming out.
- Professional Photographers must purchase a day pass upon entrance into the farm. Each pass is $50 for the day and is valid only for the day you are using it (from open to close). If you would like to come out multiple times during the season for photography sessions, a season pass can be purchased for $300 and can be used an unlimited amount during our open hours.
- Photography passes may be used with multiple clients in one day.
- Photography passes only apply to the individual photographer. Clients and assistants are still required to pay the $5/person (ages 2 and up) entrance fee.
- We ask that you not interrupt our other customers while you are on the farm. This is including but not limited to: asking them to move for your photos, taking up more space than necessary on the hay ride, taking longer than necessary on photo props while others are waiting, etc.
- We ask that you not pick pumpkins or sunflowers unless you are planning on purchasing them. If you would like to use them as props, please use some that may have been cut and left behind or plan on purchasing them.